9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
Union Township Parent Workshop
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
We would like to congratulate Mrs. Malone for receiving a grant from The Cheryl Lyn Welter Charitable Foundation for our students! We were one of three schools who received this grant. Mrs. Malone is a great advocate for her students here at UTMS. She doesn’t stop at just teaching, she does so much more for our students. Mrs. Malone is a co-sponsor for the Jr. Honor Society, coaches HS bowling, and helps out our elementary schools in many ways. She is always visible at sporting events either as a fan or taking tickets at the game. Her hard work and dedication to our students definitely doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you Mrs. Malone for all you do for our students!
9 months ago, Timothy Brunton
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
2024-25 Sports Physicals
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
Thank you to all who joined us in the Bearcat Madness Fun on March 15 and helped us raise money for our students! Will the students win again next year or will the teachers be practicing year round?! Join us in 2025 to find out! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nXyzu19UPNKlF04buVJ8sGPSxZbmQnil/view?usp=sharing
9 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
10 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
UTSC Solar Eclipse Event Information: On April 8, 2024 there will be a rare opportunity for students to view a solar eclipse. We will be providing learning opportunities and experiences for all students! View the permission slip for more information.
10 months ago, UTSC
Permission Slip
10 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
Words are very powerful. Words can both do good and cause harm. The last few months Ms. Lucas had her students use their words to good for something that doesn’t have a voice. Since November, Ms. Lucas and her students have been working with the Hobart Humane Society. In December the students wrote persuasive letters to various companies asking for donations to help support the Hobart Humane Society. The students also helped out by volunteering their time to work at the shelter and some of the students actually adopted some of the animals. On March 14th, the Hobart Humane Society came in and collected all the donations that the students received through their letters. The students raised close to $40,000 in donations for the shelter. This achievement is nothing short of amazing. We are all proud of our students and Ms. Lucas for teaching such a powerful lesson. She would like to let anyone who is interested in helping or sharing the information on the free vaccine clinic please see the following attachments. This clinic is one of the donations that was made possible by one of our student’s letters. Thank you Ms. Lucas for teaching our students and helping our community shelter!
10 months ago, Timothy Brunton
Who's ready for BEARCAT MADNESS on Friday?! I know a few staff members that are! Check out the video for yourself...https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_dIJtI-v5I-GE_y4d6uvIZGy3qSaTGP4/view?usp=sharing
10 months ago, Alexis Kruszka
10 months ago, Alexis Kruszka